Park to Park Bike Ride (7.1km/4.4mi)

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This 4.4 mile (one way) route features predominantly roads and a canal gravel path.


  • Start at Riversley Park, Nuneaton.
  • Cycle through the park, towards the railway line.
  • Walk through the tunnel, leaving Riversley Park.
  • Pass Pingles Sports Centre and Stadium on your right. 
  • Take the road leaving the car park. Head straight on at the traffic lights, crossing Avenue Road.
  • Leave the road and join the path into the common.
  • Immediately take the right turn into Dunns Close.
  • At the end of Dunns Close, turn left onto Caldwell Road.
  • Immediately take the right turn onto Triton Road (a short hill).
  • At the end of Triton Road, go through the barrier to the Coventry Canal (NCR52) and turn left towards Bedworth and Coventry.
  • Continue along the canal to Marston Junction.
  • Leave the canal here and take a right turn onto Marston Lane, over the humped bridge (take care on the bridge due to poor visibility to the other side.)
  • Continue along Marston Lane (a bit of a hill here), crossing one mini-roundabout, to the end of the road.
  • Turn left at the end, joining Leicester Road.
  • Continue a short way down Leicester Road to a roundabout. Take the first exit on to Rye Piece Ringway.
  • Continue down Rye Piece Ringway (a nice descent followed by a bit of a climb) to a roundabout. Cross the roundabout, second exit.
  • Take the first left after the roundabout.
  • Continue ahead, into the park where this route ends.

Note: There are restrictions on cycling within the Miners’ Welfare Park itself.

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Buy Me A Coffee